3 Tips to Christmas-Proof Your Relationship

Chike Oranye
4 min readDec 21, 2023
Photo by S&B Vonlanthen on Unsplash

Ah, the most wonderful time of the year is here! It’s that time when we eat until we can’t breathe, laugh until our stomachs hurt, and meet up with family members we don’t always get along with — but hey, at least there’s food and booze to help us tolerate them, am I right?

But let’s not forget the best part — Christmas presents! It’s like winning the lottery, but instead of money, you get boxes wrapped in shiny paper with your name on it. And the best part is, you don’t even have to buy them yourself

Here is a fun fact, some of you in a relationship heading into Christmas will likely be single on the first day of January 2024. Nope! This is not me trying to rain on your parade. It’s the sad truth. Christmas, for us in the business of relationships, is known as “the season of break-ups.” A.K.A “El asesino de relaciones” meaning “The relationship killer”.

I know what some of you reading this are thinking “that can’t happen to me, my relationship is solid. The love between myself and my significant other is strong and can stand the test of time”.

Well, if you are willing to hedge your bet and risk it, then, by all means, stop reading this blog post here because you’re good to go.

But before you go, I want to point out that I’ve already done a blog post that talks about horrible mistakes you will want to avoid after a breakup. It would make a fantastic January read.

For the rest of you pursuers of knowledge who wish to still be in a loving, non-toxic relationship that is ever waxing strong, then know you have come to the right place.

P.S. Single people reading this know that no knowledge is a waste, and arming yourself with this information will help you in a relationship (whenever that may be). Okay, enough ranting; I’ll make this short and sweet.

Let’s begin!


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

This covers a lot, from how couples spend the Christmas holidays, to the holiday budget, to visits from friends and family. Effective communication breeds understanding, understanding fosters peace, and peace promotes unity between couples, and this, in turn, strengthens the relationship. You will have to open your mouths and talk your way to a successful relationship this Christmas.


Photo by Timo Stern on Unsplash

This holiday should be a time to unwind and spend time with your significant other. I know this year can be crazy with all the family gatherings and end-of-year parties. However, to go through Christmas and enter the new year with your relationship still intact, you will have to spend quality time with your partner, even if it means scheduling it. Quality time here doesn’t mean fancy dinner dates or shopping sprees — although I advise you to do it if you can afford it — but the two of you together, enjoying each other’s company in the present moment, you two find yourselves.


Photo by Lucas Lenzi on Unsplash

This season will tempt you with many opportunities to be ungrateful, from the lousy Christmas presents — yes, some of you will get lousy presents—to “seemingly” subpar achievements by your significant other in other areas of their lives.

Don’t make that rookie mistake. Ingratitude will inevitably breed contempt. Be thankful for your partner, praise their efforts, compliment them, and avoid comparisons. Gratitude produces joy, and joy does terrific things in a relationship. Enough said.



Chike Oranye

I teach the unspoken laws & principles that guide healthy romantic relationships and marriages.